Yay illustration friday!

So, this may not be exactly what you think of when you hear the word rescue. But, another word for rescue is save.
I know I can't be the only one this happens to, but, the teachers always tell us, 'save, and save often'. Yeah, sounds simple enough, but when you get all into your work, it can be easy to forget. And, occasionally this little guy pops up. Now, he may look harmless, being all colourful and pretty-like. But, he's the devil. I swear they disguise him with rainbows just to distract me from how truly tragic he is.
And if you're like me; sometimes forgetting to save for a long period of time, this is not a fun experience.
You know the five stages of grief? Well, when this happens, I go through something very similar.
Denial: "No, no. Okay, just wait a few seconds, it will go away. I only have a few things open. There's nothing to get upset about."
Anger: "Now you listen here computer! I swear, if you don't stop I'm throwing you out the window. I'll do it!"
Bargaining: "Please, please stop. I'll do anything you want. I'll save every five seconds from now on if you'll just stop! D:"
Depression: "All that work.. what am I going to do?" *sobs and curls up into the corner*
Acceptance: "Gah! I have to start again." (That's probably a mix of anger, but that's at what point I actually start again. To me, that's as accepting as I get)
There really should be like a Mac god that rescues you from this sort of thing...