So, this weeks IF topic was "Diary". I don't keep like a real diary, but I keep a dream journal (that's right, I use the word journal to make it sound less sad). But, anyways, I write down my dreams as soon as I wake up - sometimes while I'm still half asleep - so that I don't forget them. It's not for some reason like I think they can tell the future. They're just funny to read, some of the dreams are real messed up.
Well, I thought maybe I'd share one entry from the journal. Something less... morbid, and more colourful. :)
"So, tonight I had a dream that I went on an adventure with The Doctor (from Doctor Who; british tv show). But it wasn't the real me, as always, I was my alter-ego. Sparkly skin, rainbow-white hair, and all. The TARDIS was different. Brighter than normal. Then again, colours are usually more vivid in my dreams. Anyways, it was sort of like the episode with the star-whale thing. The whale ended up throwing us off, and the whole city was destroyed. We didn't make out alive..." DUN DUN DUN!
Okay, so, that was my actual entry. XD
They're so funny to read sometimes. I like the morbid ones the most. Maybe next time.
Bye for now! 8D