So, this weeks IF topic is Subterranean.
You would not believe how long it took me to think of something for this. I almost thought I was going to have to resort to drawing Diglett from Pokemon. Which would be the only other idea I had for this.
Kind of funny, but I can't imagine it being very challenging to draw..
Don't laugh, (okay, you can laugh) but when I was a kid, my dad convinced me that if I where to dig to far into the ground that I'd end up in China. (I liked to dig holes in the beach, and I was a very gullible kid)
Anyways. This idea just kind of popped into my head at about 4:00 am last night, which woke me up. And I wrote it down, still half asleep, so that I would remember when I woke up today. Since it was so darn important, that it needed to wake me up, it must of been worth remembering, right?
Yeah, good plan Mischa. It's a good thing that my writing is totally legible when my eyes are still all blurry (sarcasm). I almost needed a decoder ring to decipher the random squiggles I'd written. But I did manage you figure it out. :)
Hope you like it!
Byee. 8D
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