Hello world!
For this post I will be showing the process I took, from sketch to finished product, for a project in my illustration class. We were meant to take a children's cereal that we designed last year, and target that to a different demographic in an ad for a magazine.
Okay, so to start, this is a
very rough sketch. Rough enough that I really wouldn't expect anyone to understand what exactly you're looking at. It's just for my reference really. I did a few of these, but I'm just showing the one I based the finished off of.

Yeah, doesn't look like much yet.
So, from there, I went to a comprehensive. Again, I did more of these. But for the blog I'm just showing the one.

As you can see I have three of my most favorite characters from different t.v. shows. And incase you can't tell, it's House, Dexter, and Doctor Who. At this point I wasn't 100% sure where I was going with all of this. But Leif (my teacher) said that I should tie them all together some how, and obviously get a background going.
Tie them together you say? I hope this works...

So, as you can see. I kinda threw a rainbow at their faces.
Yeah, that should tie them together well. I really hadn't intended to do that. Honestly I was just doodling on House's face with colour just to see what it would look like. I got the idea from a Dexter episode. If anyone watches Dexter they may know what I'm talking about,
when Lila found out Dexter was a serial killer and painted him all creepy-like with really pretty colours.
Anyways! I liked the outcome of House, why not do the others! Since my cereal box is rainbow-ish anyways (which is shown as an ad on Dexter's newspaper.. incase you missed it), it worked.. in a, if-you-eat-this-cereal-you'll-look-rainbowy, kind of way (which by they way, would be my perfect world). Everything else just kind of fell together after that. Everything was done digitally with my new tablet, I'm still getting use to it..
The little blurbs on the side of each character were last minute ideas. I just thought they were funny. The one for Doctor Who doesn't really work for the cereal, but I seriously couldn't think of anything else to put... It was "Allons-y" or something about his dislike for pears...